邀請賈斯丁Thursday, Jul. 14, 2011If you can't go, all I 澎湖民宿have to say is, 'Cry me a river.' · 售屋網 KELSEY DE SANTIS,· 買屋 U.S. Marine corporal, in an online video, asking pop 居酒屋star Justin Timberlake to attend the Marine Corps Ball with 結婚her, using the title of his 2002 song; earlier, a Marine 小額信貸sergeant had asked actress Mila Kunis to attend the ball with 賣屋him美陸戰隊女上士線上邀請賈斯丁參加陸戰隊的舞會,她說“如果你不開幕活動能來, 我只能唱這條歌Cry me a river. 以前也有男士兵邀請米拉買房子.Read more: 辦公室出租http://www.time.com/time/quotes/0,26174,2083223,00.html #ixzz1S9ANfXh6

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